[New Product] Ultrafast Laser and Ultrafast OPOs

Time: Jul 17, 2017 Author: Sintec Optronics View: 2013


The STC-Spark-X provides up to 30 mW at 1280 nm (with 40nm bandwith) and is designed as a source for semiconductor failure analysis and material characterization applications. With pulsewidths <250fs it is an ideal source for multiphoton imaging.

The STC-Spark-OPO provides exceptional tunability and power across the near-infrared, making it an ideal light source for a wide range of application areas (from multi-photon microscopy to spectroscopy). Our ultrafast optical parametric oscillator technology can generate light from 1.4 μm to 4.2 μm with picosecond pulsewidths. With a fully integrated pump source it is able to deliver high average power at both the signal and idler wavelengths with exceptional reliability. We also provide access to the fixed wavelength pump light, making it suitable for CARS microscopy.

The STC-Spark-OPO-FIR is the world’s first commercial broadband ultrafast OPO providing output in the 5 – 12 μm region. In the 5 – 7 μm region up to 80 mW can be achieved and at 12 μm up to 10 mW of light is available. The Spark FIR is an ideal source for spectroscopy in the molecular fingerprint region as well as stand-off detection and remote sensing applications.

STC-Spark-X laser features
• 1280nm wavelength
• Output power >30 mW
• Sub-250-fs pulses
• 100-MHz repetition frequency

STC-Spark-OPO features
• Quasi-CW output from 1.48 – 4.2 μm
• Up to 800 W from signal port and
• 250 mW from idler port
• 3rd output 500 mW at 1040 nm
• 100 MHz repetition frequency

STC-Spark-OPO features
• Spectral output from 5-12 μm
• Up to 80 mW from 5-7 μm region
• Up to 10mW at 12 μm.
• First commercial quasi-CW OPO in the fingerprint region
• 100 MHz repetition frequency