Fibers & Fiber Cables

Fibers & Fiber Cables

Keywords: hollow-core, fiber, crystal fiber, optical fiber, PC-SMA905
Apr 30, 2020 View: 2635 Data Sheet

Hollow-core, fiber, crystal fiber, optical fiber, fiber cables, PC-SMA905 connector, high-power fiber delivery,

1. Optical Fiber Cables with SMA905 Connector for Laser Beam Delivery

Our Power Fiber Cables (PFC) with PC-SMA905 connector exploit the air-gap-ferrule design, where the fiber prolongs into free space securing an epoxy-free area, where thermal energy can be safely dissipated without burning the surrounding material, making them ideal for high-power applications. A heat-sink is attached to the rear of the connector, which conducts extraneous heat away from the fiber, further reducing the possibility of breakdown.

Each cable assembly goes through the tight Quality Control with several examinations during the fabrication process, including extensive inspection of fiber tip quality by FiberCheck® technique, leading, as a result, to a special product.

  • Operating Wavelength Range: 350-2500 nm

  • Damage Threshold: >5J/mm² (1ms pulse at 1060 nm, & > 1.3 kJ/mm² CW at 1060 nm)

  • PC-SMA 905 connector

  • Anodized aluminum heat sink

  • Air-Gap-Ferrule Epoxy Free

All silica fiber NA = 0,22, default length 1m, protected in stainless steel (inside) and fabric silicone (outside) tubing (out diameter 6mm, grey), terminated with 2x SMA905 free end connectors, electrically disconnected

Part numberSTA-SMA905-400-2mSTA-SMA905-400-3m
Fibre core diameter (μm)400400
Fibre cladding diameter (μm)480480
Max. laser power (W)150150
Fiber cable length (meter)23
Short term bending radius (cm)3.63.6
Long term bending radius (cm)14.414.4

The above items are in stock and available for immidiate delivery

2. Hollow-core Crystal Fibers

STG Series Hollow-core Crystal Fibers

  • Nearly single mode guidance

  • Low dispersion, low loss

  • High power and energy handling

  • Broadband spectral coverage

2.1 STG-C-Green Series Hollow-core Fibers

Hollow-core fiber optimized for 500-700nm range.

Physical Properties
Core contourHypocycloïde
Inner core Ø63 μm ± 1
Outer fiber Ø300 μm ± 3%
Fiber coating layerPrimary polymer coating
Optical Properties
Center Wavelength800nm / 1600 nm
Attenuation @ 532nm30 dB/km ±10
Dispersion @ 532nm1.5 ps/ ± 0.5
Transmission Band**200 nm
Mode field Diameter24 μm ± 1
3dB bend loss radius10 cm ± 2

**Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km for the 500-700nm

2.2 STG-C-TiSa_Er-7C

Kagome hollow core fiber with optimized performance for 800nm and 1550nm. Ideal for Ti-Sapphire and Erbium based lasers

  • Broad spectral coverage

  • Large core size

  • Nearly single mode guidance

  • Low dispersion

  • Record–high laser damage threshold

Physical Properties
Core contourHypocycloïde with negative curvature parameter b=1*
Inner core Ø63 μm ± 1
Outer fiber Ø300 μm ± 3%
Fiber coating layerPrimary polymer coating
Optical Properties
Center Wavelength800 / 1600 nm
Attenuation @ 532nm<80 dB/km ±10
Dispersion @ 532nm1 ps/ ± 0.5
Transmission Band**>100nm / >300nm
Mode field Diameter44 μm ± 1
3dB bend loss radius5 cm ± 2

**Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km for the 1300-1750nm

2.3 STG-C-Yb-7C

Hollow-Core Fiber optimized for 900-1100nm range. Ideal for Yb and Nd:YAG based lasers.

Physical Properties
Core contourHypocycloïde with negative curvature parameter b>0.7*
Inner core Ø57 μm ± 1
Outer fiber Ø320 μm ± 3%
Fiber coating layerPrimary polymer coating
Optical Properties
Center Wavelength1030 nm
Attenuation @ 532nm<100 dB/km
Dispersion @ 532nm1 ps/ ± 0.5
Transmission Band**300 nm
Mode field Diameter39 μm ± 1
3dB bend loss radius5 cm ± 2

**Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km for the 850-1150nm

2.4 STG-C-Er-7C

Hollow-Core Fiber optimized for 1550nm. Ideal for Erbium lasers.

Physical Properties
Core contourHypocycloïde with negative curvature parameter b=0.8*
Inner core Ø61 μm ± 1
Outer fiber Ø432 μm ± 3%
Fiber coating layerPrimary polymer coating
Optical Properties
Center Wavelength1550 nm
Attenuation @ 532nm<50 dB/km
Dispersion @ 532nm1 ps/ ± 0.5
Transmission Band**400 nm
Mode field Diameter42 μm ± 1
3dB bend loss radius5 cm ± 2

**Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km for the 1375-1750nm

2.5 STGLO-C-2μm-7C

Hollow-Core Fiber optimized for 2-3μm range.

Physical Properties
Core contourHypocycloïde with negative curvature parameter b>0.7*
Inner core Ø56 μm ± 1
Outer fiber Ø415 μm ± 3%
Fiber coating layerPrimary polymer coating
Optical Properties
Center Wavelength2000 nm
Attenuation @ 532nm60 dB/km
Dispersion @ 532nm1 ps/ ± 0.5
Transmission Band**>350 nm
Mode field Diameter42 μm ± 1
3dB bend loss radius5 cm ± 2

**Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km for the 850-1150nm

3. STG Series Photonic Microcell

Our technology is based on Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (HC-PCF) and the process of filling the fiber with a chosen gas to offer photonic functionalities such as (i) Optical frequency conversion, (ii) Ultra-high power pulsed laser delivery (iii) Laser pulse compression or (iv) Frequency standards.

A PMC is a stand-alone and modular component that consists of a HC-PCF filled with gas and fiber terminations. The presence of gas within an optical fibre on a micron scale provides a million-fold increase in the gas-laser efficiency compared to traditional lasing methods and opens up the unique ability for functionalization. For example, with a Raman gas one can produce new wavelengths and hence create new applications. There are different variants of HC-PCF used within the PMC family of components. The Inhibited-Coupling guiding HC-PCF such as Kagome fiber produces particularly good results with a high damage threshold and a very wide bandwidth.

The PMC comes in different forms tailored to either the applications or the laser power requirements or to specific housing requirements. Below is a list of the different PMC forms we can deliver.


An optical fiber made of a length of HC-PCF filled with gas and spliced to a solid optical fiber.

  • Gas type: typically any molecular gas. atomic vapor

  • Gas pressure ranges: from High vacuum pressure to several bars.

  • Splice loss: typically 1 dB/splice.

  • Ideal for low power laser applications such as telecommunications, instrumentations, frequency standards, Frequency conversion.


This PMC has at least one of its terminations exhibiting a gas-fillable cell. This cell is mountable on standard translation stages for quick and efficient laser coupling.

  • Gas injection

  • Rugged tube-over-fiber

  • Micro-bending elimination

  • Macro-bending restraint

  • Dust contamination prevention

  • Ideal for high power applications such as ultra-short pulse laser beam delivery, laser pulse compression, frequency converter.

hollow core fiber hollow core fiber


This PMC has at least one of its terminations exhibiting a tubular cell. This cell can be mounted on and/or integrated in standard opto-mechanical holders or systems.

  • Rugged tube-over-fiber

  • Micro-bending elimination

  • Macro-bending restraint

  • Dust prevention

  • Ideal for high power applications such as ultra-short pulse laser beam delivery, laser pulse compression, frequency convertor.

4. STG Beam Delivery System

STG-BDS is a new and user friendly module for high power laser beam delivery. It brings the outstanding fast lasers pulse energy and power handling of our fiber's technology in a ruggedized and pre-aligned module.

4.1 STG-BDS-Green Beam Delivery System

Physical Properties
Fiber length**2 m , 3 m, 5 m
Output beam qualityM²<1.3
Gas/Vacuum connectionKF16
Fiber protection**Metallic monocoil
Min bend radius200 mm
Optical Properties
Working wavelength**515 nm / 532 nm
Attenuation<100 dB/km
Dispersion @ Working wavelength1 ps/nm/km ± 0.5
Transmission band***

***Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km

>100 nm
Input beam requirement**3 mm ± 0.1
Bend loss @ 20 cm bend radius< 1 dB
  • **Others upon request

  • All specifications could be changed without notice

4.2 STG-BDS-Yb & Nd:Yag

Physical Properties
Fiber length**2 m , 3 m, 5 m
Output beam qualityM²<1.3
Gas/Vacuum connectionKF16
Fiber protection**Metallic monocoil
Min bend radius200 mm
Optical Properties
Working wavelength**1030 nm / 1064 nm
Attenuation<50 dB/km
Dispersion @ Working wavelength1 ps/nm/km ± 0.5
Transmission band***
***Attenuation lower than 100 dB/km
>200 nm
Input beam requirement**2.9 mm ± 0.1
Bend loss @ 20 cm bend radius< 1 dB
  • **Others upon request

  • All specifications could be changed without notice

4.3 STG CombLas

  • Photonic Micro-Cell based Raman wavelength convertor

  • Ruggedized packaging

  • Long life-time

  • Ultra-low pump threshold

  • Compatible with most pulsed lasers

  • Battery powered

  • UV-VIS spectral coverage (over 20 lines)

  • Single mode

  • Ideal for bio-photonic applications

More than 20 lasers in 1

Optical Properties*
Pump wavelength532 nm
Spectral coverage350-800 nm
Line spacing17.6 Thz
Average output power9 mW
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