Marking Head (LSSL/RL)

Marking Head (LSSL/RL)

Keywords: laser marking head, laser scanner, galvo, 2D, 3D
Feb 12, 2021 View: 4445 Data Sheet

LSSL series laser marking head is an ultra-compact one which delivers excellent dynamics and superior product quality in a minimum-size package. Aperture of 7 10 and 14mm are available.

LSSL Series Marking Heads

1. LSSL-BC Series Marking Heads

Our LSSL-BC series scan heads are the ideal entry-level 2D scan systems for deflecting and positioning laser beams in the working plane. The basiCube scan head series offers superior cost effectiveness and is optimized for coding and marking.


  • Compact & light-weight design

  • Very fast writing speed

  • Excellent price/performance ratio


Aperture (mm)1014
Tracking error (ms)0.140.18
Marking speed(1) (m/s)2.52.0
Positioning speed (m/s)12.012.8
Step response time(2) - 1% of full scale (ms)0.350.45
Step response time - 10% of full scale (ms)1.01.4
Typical scan angle (rad)±0.35
Gain error (mrad)<5
Zero offset (mrad)<5
Power supply±15 V DC, max. 3 A each24 V / 30 V DC, max. 3 A each
Interface (digital)SL2-100, XY2-100
IP protection classIP 50
Operating temperature(°C)25 ± 10
Repeatability – RMS (μrad)<2.0
Positioning resolution(3) (bit)16
Nonlinerity< 3.5 mrad / 44°
Temperature drift – offset (μrad/K)<30
Temperature drift – gain (ppm/K)<160
8h drift – offset (μrad)<100
8h drift – gain (ppm)<250
Beam displacement (mm)12.5416.42
Dimension (mm)106x91x91123x95x104
Weight (kg)1.52.15
  • (1) With F-theta lens, f = 160mm;

  • (2) Setting to 1/1000 of full scale;

  • (3) Based on the full angle range (e.g. positioning resolution 11 μrad for angle range ±0.36 rad)


  • Coatings for the following wavelengths: LSSL-BC10: 355nm, 532nm, 1064nm and 10600nm; LSSL-BC14: 1064nm and 10600nm.

  • Suitable objectives available for various image fields and focal lengths.

  • Extension into a 3-axis scan system.

2. LSSL-SC Series Marking Heads

LSSL SC series laser marking head is an ultra-compact one which delivers excellent dynamics and superior product quality in a minimum-size package. The solid performance of the marking heads is made possible by the new, miniaturized servo amplifiers and industry-proven OSSL series galvanometer optical scanners. Aperture of 7, 10 and 14mm are available.

Sealed against water and dust, the LSSL robust and exceptionally compact housing facilitates straightforward integration into production environments-even confined, difficult to-access locations. A wide variety of objectives can be used with these scan heads.

Versions with analog or digital interfaces are available. The digital version can be simply controlled via a PCI interface board or PC-independent standalone board. LSSL scan heads are ideally suited for solutions requiring very high marking speeds and integration in confined spaces. Applications include coding in the packaging industry or the marking of electronic components – areas traditionally served by inkjet systems.


We precisely optimize and tune all optical components to one another to ensure maximum focus quality and stable process parameters. Optical components offered by us include exceptionally compact objectives, as well as objective adapters for standard objectives. Optics for various wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths and image fields are available.


LSSL marking heads are equipped with either an analog or a digital standard interface accessible via a 25-pin D-SUB connector. They are easily controlled via PC interface board or the PC-independent standalone board from us.


The high quality is the result of years of experience in the development and manufacture of galvanometer optical scanners and scan systems. In addition, every scan system must first pass the quality check burn-in test before it is released for shipment to the customer.

Common Specifications (all angles are in optical degrees)

Dynamic PerformanceRepeatability< 22μrad
Offset drift30μrad/K
Gain drift80ppm/K
Long-term drift over 8 hours< 0.3mrad, plus temperature induced gain and offset drift
Optical PerformanceTypical scan angle±0.35rad
Gain error< 5mrad
Zero offset< 5mrad
Nonlinearity< 3.5mrad
InterfaceAnalog version±4.8 V
Digital versionXY2-100 standard
Operating Temperature
25 °C ± 10 °C

Product-Dependent Specifications (all angles are in optical degrees)

Part numberLSSL-xxx-7-XSLSSL-xxx-10-SLSSL-xxx-14-M
Beam displacement9.98mm12.54mm16.42mm
Dynamic Performance Tracking error0.14ms0.18ms0.30ms
Step Response Time (settling to 1/1000 of full scale) 1% of full scale 10% of full scale0.30ms 0.70ms0.40ms 1.2ms0.65ms 1.6ms
Typical speeds Marking speed Positioning speed Writing speed with good writing quality Writing speed with high writing quality2.5m/s 12.0m/s 900cps 600cps2.0m/s 7.0m/s 640cps 400cps1.0m/s 7.0m/s 410cps 280cps
Power Requirements±15VDC max. 2A each±15VDC max. 3A each±15VDC max. 3A each
Weight (without objective)650g1.9kg2.3kg

3. LSSL-HS Series Marking Heads

These compact scan heads provide optimal solutions for nearly all challenges found in industrial laser materials processing. The mechanically and electrically inter-compatible scan heads have apertures ranging from 7 to 30 mm and various levels of dynamics. High long-term stability and low drift values are ensured via integrated temperature stabilization.

We have products for practically every customer needs. Small aperture systems optimally combine top speed and exceptional precision. Marking speeds exceeding 1000 characters per second can be achieved.

Also available are large-aperture scan heads offering small spot size, high speed and laser-power handling up to the multi-kilowatt range.

The housing concept as well as tight manufacturing and assembly tolerances bring high flexibility and certainty to the design and operation of laser materials processing systems. This also facilitates speedy adaptation to inpidual customer requirements. In conjunction with new electronics, these scanners deliver highest dynamic performance, lowest drift and best linearity.

Typical Applications:

  • Materials processing

  • Marking

  • Micro-structuring

  • Rapid manufacturing

  • 3D applications

  • Processing-on-the-fly


Scan mirrors and objectives with optimized mounts are available for all typical laser types and working fields. To optimally utilize standard objectives, LSSL-HS-25’s two scan axes have differing maximum scan angles. This results in an elliptical image field with the larger semi-axis perpendicular to the entrance beam axis.


All scan heads of these series are equipped with either analog or digital standard interfaces and are easily controlled via our control boards. All scan heads are optionally available with an optical fiber data interface.

Attachment Provisions

Threaded and non-threaded holes at the housing’s beam entrance side of LSSL-HS-20, -25 and -30 facilitate mounting of the scan head and installation of fiber optic outputs. On the beam exit side, threaded holes are available for attaching add-on components such as cross jets, illumination, distance sensors or thermal shields.


The LSSL-HS-20, -25 and -30 scan heads provide water-cooling connections for the entrance aperture, electronics and galvanometer scanners, along with air-cooling of the deflection mirrors. This ensures constant working conditions and excellent long-term stability, thus guaranteeing reliable operation even in high-laser-power applications.


  • Upgrade to a 3-axis scan system

  • High-performance variants with lightweight mirrors (14 mm apertures and higher)

  • Available as a scan module without housing (except LSSL-HS-30)

  • Water and air cooling (10 mm apertures and higher; standard for LSSL-HS-20, -25 and -30)

  • Camera adapter for optical process monitoring

Common Specifications

Repeatability (RMS)< 2 μrad
Positioning resolution18 bit (8)
Optical performance
Gain error
Zero offset

< 5 mrad
< 5 mrad
< 1,5 mrad
Power requirements±(15+1.5) V DC, max. 3 A (max. 6 A for LSSL-HS-20-30)
Input signals
Digital version
Analog version

SL2-100, XY2-100 Standard or optical data transfer
alternatively: ±4.8 V; ±9.6 V; ±4.8 mA; ±9.6 mA
Output signals
Digital version
Analog version
3 status signals per axis S
L2-100, XY2-100 Standard or optical data transfer
TTL level
Operating temperature25 °C ± 10 °C
Typical air requirements (9)clean, filtered air 20 l/min at Δp < 2 bar
Typical water requirements5 l/min at Δp < 0.1 bar, p < 4 bar
(all angles are in optical degrees)
(8) based on the full angle range (e.g. positioning resolution 2.8 μrad for angle range ±0.36 rad), resolutions better than 16 bit (11 μrad) only together with SL2-100 interface
(9) air and water cooling optional for LSSL-HSIII-10 & 14  and LSSL-HS10

LSSL-HS Series

Aperture10 mm20 mm25 mm30 mm
Tracking error0.18 ms0.35 ms0.50 ms0.55 ms
Step response time(1)
1% of full scale
10% of full scale

0.35 ms
0.90 ms

0.80 ms
2.50 ms

0.90 ms 3
.20 ms

1.20 ms
4.50 ms
Typical speeds(2)
Marking speed
Positioning speed
Writing speed
Good writing quality
High writing quality

2.0 m/s
7.0 m/s

640 cps
400 cps

1.0 m/s
6.0 m/s

320 cps
210 cps

0.8 m/s
5.0 m/s

260 cps
170 cps

0.7 m/s
3.0 m/s

220 cps
150 cps
Long-term drift< 0.6 mrad(7)< 0.6 mrad(7)< 0.6 mrad(7)< 0.6 mrad(7)
Optical performance
Typical scan angle of scanner 1
Typical scan angle of scanner 2
Typical field size – ellipse (2), (4)
Typical field size – square (2), (4)
±0.35 rad
±0.35 rad
110 x 110 mm2 < 3.5 mrad / 44°
±0.35 rad
±0.35 rad
90 x 90 mm2

±0.26 rad ±0.40 rad
80 x 130mm2
75 x 75 mm2 <3.5mrad/44°

±0.35 rad
±0.35 rad
50 x 50 mm2
Weight (without objective)approx. 3 kg (5)approx. 5.8 kgapprox. 5.8 kgapprox. 5.8 kg


Aperture10 mm14 mm
Tracking error0.12 ms0.18 ms
Step response time(1)
1% of full scale
10% of full scale

0.35 ms
1.7 ms

0.35 ms
1.2 ms
Typical speeds(2)
Marking speed
Positioning speed
Writing speed
Good writing quality
High writing quality

1.0 m/s
12 m/s

1000 cps
700 cps

2.0 m/s
12 m/s

660 cps
410 cps
Long-term drift
8-h-drift (after 30 min warm-up) (3)
24-h-drift (after 3 h warm-up) (3)

< 100 μrad
< 100 ppm

< 100 μrad
< 100 ppm

< 100 μrad
< 100 ppm

< 100 μrad
< 100 ppm
Temperature drift

< 15 μrad/K
< 25 ppm/K

< 15 μrad/K
< 25 ppm/K
Optical performance
Typical scan angle of scanner 1
Typical scan angle of scanner 2
Typical field size – square (2), (4)

±0.35 rad
±0.35 rad
110 x 110 mm2
< 0.9 mrad / 44°

±0.35 rad
±0.35 rad
90 x 90 mm2
< 0.9 mrad / 44°
Weight (without objective)approx. 3 kg (5)approx. 3 kg (5)

LSRL Series Laser Marking Heads (Scanners)

XY deflection units for deflection and focusing of laser beams in two dimensions for a variety of applications that require small to medium sized fields and high processing speeds.

Our LSRL series 2-axis deflection units can be used to deflect a laser beam in X and Y directions. This produces a two-dimensional area allowing a laser to be directed at any position. This area is known as the “marking field” as shown in the diagram. Deflection is performed by two mirrors, each of which is moved by a galvanometer scanner. The deflection unit has a beam input, into which the laser beam is fed, and a beam output, through which a laser beam is emitted from the unit after deflection.

List of LSRL Series Laser Marking Heads

Product seriesFeaturesAvailable apertures
MINISCAN IICompact design and optimized performance. 50%   less drift values.7, 10, 14 and 20 mm
MINISCAN IIICompact and robust design with digital control.10, 14 and 20 mm
RL IIIFor cost saving industrial designs10 and 14mm
SUPERSCAN IIEDeflection unit for demanding laser applications.   50% better long-term drift.7, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30 mm
SUPERSCAN IVFull digital electronics. Highly dynamic and   maximum speed up to 200 rad/s.10, 15, 20 and 30 mm
SUPERSCAN VDigital feedback control electronics. Excellent   dynamics and monitoring of essential parameter in deflection unit.15 and 30 mm

1. MINISSCAN II Marking Heads for Compact Industrial Applications

  • Very low drift

  • Extreme compact design

  • Robust and dust proof for industrial conditions

  • Insensitive to external temperature conditions

  • Available input apertures: 7, 10, 14, 20 mm


YOUR BENEFITS: The MINISCAN II is the new generation of scan heads with compact design and the performance optimized to achieve 50% less drift values. Its completely dust proof housing cover makes the MINISCAN II perfect for working in rough industrial conditions.

INNOVATION AND QUALITY: Innovation and maintaining high product quality standards are our priorities. All our products are developed, built and tested in our own laboratories and production facilities. Through our world-wide support network we can offer best maintenance and rapid service for our customers.

MIRRORS AND OBJECTIVES: Scan mirrors and objectives with optimized mounts are available for all typical laser types, wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths, and working fields. Customer specific configurations are also possible.

INTERFACES: The deflection units are compatible to the XY2-100 standard protocol. They can be controlled digitally by a control card, such as the SP-ICE-1 PCI PRO or via an analog current or voltage interface.

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Material processing such as marking, drilling, cutting, welding, hardening, texturing.

OPTION: We offer a camera adapter for process monitoring.

General Specifications:

  • Power supply: Voltage ±15 V to ±18 V; Current 2 A, RMS, max. 10 A; Ripple / Noise Max. 200 mVpp, @ 20 MHz bandwidth

  • Interface signals: Analog ±5 V, ±10 V; Digital XY2-100 protocol

  • Ambient temperature: +15°C to +35 °C

  • Storage temperature: -10°C to +60 °C

  • Humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing

  • Typical deflection (optical): ± 0.393 rad

  • Resolution: 12 μrad

  • Repeatability (RMS): 2 μrad

  • Max. Gaindrift1: 15 ppm/K

  • Max. Offsetdrift1: 10 μrad/K

  • Long-term drift1, 2: < 150 μrad

Remark: 1. Drift per axis. 2. After 30 min warm-up, at operating temperature, variations of ambient temperature <1K.

Deflection unitLSRL-MS-II-7LSRL-MS-II-10LSRL-MS-II-14LSRL-MS-II-20
Mechanical data:

Max. input beam diameter (mm)
Beam displacement (mm)9.012.417.026.0
Weight (without objective) (kg)approx. 0.8approx. 0.8approx. 1.6approx. 2.2
Dimension (L x W x H) (mm)100.0 x 77.0   x 79.5100.0 x 77.0   x 77.5134.0 x 98.0   x 93.5145.0 x   116.0 x 103.5
Dynamic data:

Acceleration time (ms)
Writing speed (cps)1, 2900500400300
Processing speed (m/s)1> 10765
Positioning speed (m/s)1> 10765

Remark: 1. With F-Theta Lens f = 163 mm / field size 120 mm x 120 mm. 2. Single-stroke font with 1 mm height.

2. MINISSCAN III Marking Heads for Compact Industrial Applications

  • Control via SL2-100 protocol 20 bit or XY2-100 protocol 16 bit

  • Digitally controlled, low noise and drift

  • Robust and dust-proof for industrial applications

  • Various mirror substrates and coatings for marking and cleaning

  • Input aperture: 10, 14 and 20mm


YOUR BENEFITS: The new MINISCAN III offers very stable digital control, which further improves noise and drift values, thereby making the system even more reliable and robust. Both the XY2-100 16 bit and the SL2-100 20 bit protocols can be used with the digital interface. A corresponding cable defines the use of the protocol.

CONFIGURABLE THROUGH AND THROUGH: Lenses, protective glass, and mirror substrates and coatings are available for many standard laser types, wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths and processing areas. This allows to handle a wide range of tasks with best quality and optimized throughput. We would also be happy to help you put together the perfect configuration for your application.

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Natural applications include ablation and cleaning of surfaces at high speed and challenging marking tasks. Speed and dynamic responses are guaranteed, thanks to digital control and powerful PWM output stages. You also have the option of combining the MINISCAN III with our CAMERA ADAPTER and MACHINE VISION CONTROL components for process monitoring.

INNOVATION AND QUALITYL Innovation and maintaining high product quality standards are our priorities. All our products are developed, built and tested in our own laboratories and production facilities. Through our world-wide support network we can offer best maintenance and rapid service for our customers.

General Specifications:

  • Power supply: Voltage ±30V or ±48 V; Current 2A, RMS, max. 5A; Ripple / Noise Max. 200 mVpp, @ 20 MHz bandwidth

  • Ambient temperature: +15°C to +35 °C

  • Storage temperature: -10°C to +60 °C

  • Humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing

  • IP-Code: IP64

  • Interface signals: Digital: XY2-100-Enhanced protocol; SL2-100 protocol

  • Typical deflection (optical): ± 0.393 rad

  • Resolution XY2-100 16-Bit: 12 μrad

  • Resolution SL2-100 20-Bit: 0.76 μrad

  • Repeatability (RMS): < 2.0 μrad

  • Position noise (RMS): < 4.5 μrad

  • Max. Gaindrift1: 15 ppm/K

  • Max. Offsetdrift1: 10 μrad/K

  • Long-term drift1, 2: < 80μrad

Remark: 1. Drift per axis. 2. After 30 min warm-up, at operating temperature, variations of ambient temperature <1K

Specifications of LSRL-MINISCAN III-10

Input aperture (mm)1010
Beam displacement (mm)12.412.4
Weight (without objective) (kg)approx. 0.9approx. 0.9
Dimension (L x W x H) (mm)100.0 x 77.0 x 83100.0 x 77.0 x 81.5
Writing speed with high/good writing quality (cps)   1, 2800 / 1,000800 / 1,000
Processing speed (rad/s)30 @ 30 V / 48 V30 @ 30 V / 48 V
Positioning speed (rad/s) 360 @ 30 V 100 @ 48 V60 @ 30 V 100 @ 48 V
Tracking error (ms) 40.130.13
Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms) 50.300.30
Wavelength355 nm SI; 532 nm SI; 1,064   nm SI; 1,070 nm QU; 10,600 nm SI (QU = quartz; SI = silicon)

Remark: 1. With F-Theta Lens f = 163 mm / field size 120 mm x 120 mm. 2. Single-stroke font with 1 mm height. 3. See “Calculation of speed”. 4. Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.8 x tracking error. 5. Setting to 1/1,000 of full scale. 6. Marking-Tuning (MA) Optimized tuning for marking applications

Calculation of speed

Speed in working field = Focal length F-Theta lens x Positioning speed:

Example: MINISCAN III-10 SI with F-Theta Lens f = 163 mm, Positioning speed 100 rad/s v = 163/1000 x 100 = 16 m/s

Mirrors and Lenses: Scan mirrors and objectives with optimized mounts are available many all typical laser types, wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths and working fields. Customer specific configurations are also possible.

Specifications of LSRL-MINISCAN III-14

Input aperture (mm)1414
Beam displacement (mm)17.017.0
Weight (without objective) (kg)2.02.0
Wavelength355   nm SI; 532 nm SI; 1,064 nm SI; 10.600 nm SI; 1.070 nm QU (QU = quartz; SI =   silicon)
Dimension (L x W x H) (mm)134.0 x 98.0 x 100.3134.0 x 98.0 x 100.3
Writing speed (cps) with high/good writing quality   ¹, ²-650/800-600/750
Processing speed (rad/s) ³30 @ 30 V 50 @ 48 V30 @ 30 V 30 @ 48 V70 @ 30 V 100 @ 48 V30 @ 30 V 30 @ 48 V
Positioning speed (rad/s) ³30 @ 30 V 50 @ 48 V60 @ 30 V 90 @ 48 V70 @ 30 V 100 @ 48 V60 @ 30 V 90 @ 48 V
Tracking error (ms)0.20 40.16 50.30 60.17 5
Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms)0.68 70.36 80.69 70.39 8

Remark: 1. With F-Theta Lens f = 163 mm / field size 120 mm x 120 mm. 2. Single-stroke font with 1 mm height. 3. See “Calculation of speed”. 4. Calculation acceleration time approx. 2.3 x tracking error. 5. Calculation of acceleration time approx. 1.9 × tracking error. 6 Calculation of acceleration time approx. 2.0 × tracking error. 7. Setting to 1/5,000 of full scale. 8. Setting to 1/1000 of full scale. 9. Tuning is Vector-Tuning (VC) (Optimized tuning for a wide range of applications with emphasis on processing speed; Marking-Tuning (MA) (Optimized tuning for marking applications; Cleaning-Tuning (C) (Optimized tuning for long vectors at highest speeds.

Specifications of LSRL-MINISCAN III-20

Input aperture (mm)2020
Beam displacement (mm)26.026.0
Weight (without objective) (kg)2.52.5
Dimension (L x W x H) (mm)145.0 × 116.0 × 103.5145.0 × 116.0 × 103.5
Processing speed (rad/s) ¹3030
Positioning speed (rad/s) ¹3030
Tracking error (ms) ²0.300.34
Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms) ³0.901.01
Wavelengths1,064 nm SI; 900 – 1,100 nm + AL SI; 10,600 nm SI;   515 – 540 nm QU; 1,060 – 1,090 nm + AL QU

Remark: 1. See “Calculation of speed”. 2. Calculation acceleration time approx. 2.3 tracking error. Setting to 1/5,000 of full scale. 4. Micro-structuring-Tuning (M): Optimized tuning for high precision beam deflection with sharp corners and minimized tracking error

3, RL-III Series Marking Heads

  • Robust, compact and lightweight

  • Low noise and drift based on latest Servo-Electronic

  • Very high writing speed

  • Excellent price-performance ratio

  • Input aperture: 10 and 14mm


YOUR BENEFITS: The new RL-III offers you a very high writing and positioning speed at an outstanding price-performance ratio. Nevertheless, due to its low noise and drift values and its robustness, the system is ideally suited for use in an industrial production environment.

CONFIGURABLE THROUGH AND THROUGH: Lenses and protective glass are available for many standard laser types, the wavelengths 1,064 nm and 10,600 nm, power densities, focal lengths and processing areas. This allows to handle a wide range of tasks with high quality and optimized throughput. We would also be happy to help you put together the perfect configuration for your application.

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Dynamic marking tasks, especially on the fly, are predestined applications. Speed and dynamic responses are guaranteed, thanks to the new developed control with powerful PWM output stages.

INNOVATION AND QUALITY: Innovation and maintaining high product quality standards are our priorities. All our products are developed, built and tested in our own laboratories and production facilities. Through our world-wide support network we can offer best maintenance and rapid service for our customers.

General Specifications:

  • Power supply: Voltage +/-15 V to +/-18 V; Current 2 A, RMS, max. 10 A; Ripple/Noise Max. 200 mVpp@ 20 MHz bandwidth

  • Ambient temperature: +15°C to +35°

  • Storage temperature: -10°C to +60°C

  • Humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing

  • IP-Code: IP 54

  • Interface signals: Digital XY2-100 protocol

  • Typical deflection (optical): ± 0.393 rad

  • Resolution: XY2-100 16-Bit 12 μrad

  • Repeatability (RMS): < 2.0 μrad

  • Temperature drift: Max. Gaindrift(1) 15 ppm/K; Max. Offsetdrift(1) 10 μrad/K

  • Long-term drift 8 h1 < 150 μrad

Remark: 1. Angles optical. Drift per axis, after 30 min warm-up, at constant ambient temperature and process stress.

Specifications of RL-III-10 Scanner

  • Part number: LSRL-RL-III-10

  • Input aperture (mm): 10

  • Beam displacement (mm): 12.4

  • Weight (without objective) (kg): approx. 0.9

  • Dimension (L x W x H) (mm): 100.0 x 77.0 x 83

  • Wavelength: 1064 (nm) SI; 10600 (nm) SI (SI = silicon)

  • Tuning: Marking-Tuning (MA): Optimized tuning for marking applications

  • Writing speed with high/good writing quality (cps) (1, 2): 650 / 850

  • Processing speed (rad/s): 30

  • Positioning speed (rad/s) (3): 85

  • Tracking error (ms) (4): 0.14

  • Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms) (5): 0.40

Remark: 1. With F-Theta lens f = 163 mm / field size 120 mm x 120 mm. 2. Single-stroke font with 1 mm height. 3. See “Calculation of speed”. 4 Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.9 x tracking error. 5. Setting to 1/1,000 of full scale.

4. SUPERSCAN-IIE Series Marking Heads for Challenging Industrial Applications

  • Lowest drift values through twin-shell design

  • Suitable for high power applications

  • Water tempering and air flushing options

  • “enhanced“ option for 50 % improved long-term drift

  • Available input apertures: 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 mm


YOUR BENEFITS: The innovative thermal management and modular design make the SUPERSCAN IIE the perfect deflection unit for demanding laser applications. The “enhanced” option offers a 50 % better long-term drift performance. Long-term drift can even be further minimized by an additional water tempering.

MIRRORS AND OBJECTIVES: Scan mirrors and objectives with optimized mounts are available for all typical laser types, wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths and working fields. Customer specific configurations are also possible.

INTERFACES: The deflection units are compatible to the XY2-100 standard. They can be digitally controlled by a control card, such as the SP-ICE-1 PCIe PRO.

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Material processing such as engraving, marking, ablation, cutting, welding, perforating, or high speed processing on the fly. The water tempered option is extremely suitable for very precise application requirements with low tolerance such as micro machining, drilling, ITO structuring or Ag-patterning.

INNOVATION AND QUALITY: Innovation and maintaining high product quality standards are our priorities at RAYLASE. All our products are developed, built and tested in our own laboratories and production facilities. Through our world-wide support network we can offer best maintenance and rapid service for our customers.

General Specifications

  • Power supply: Voltage ± 15 V to ± 18 V; Current 3 A, RMS, max. 10 A; Ripple/Noise Max. 200 mVpp@ 20 MHz bandwidth

  • Interface signals: Digital XY2-100 protocol

  • Ambient temperature: +15°C to +35°C

  • Storage temperature: -10°C to +60°C

  • Humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing

  • Temperature Drift: Max. Gaindrift (1): < 15 ppm/K; Max. Offsetdrift (1): < 10 μrad/K

  • Typical deflection (optical): ± 0.393 rad

  • Resolution optically: 12 μrad

  • Repeatability (RMS): 2 μrad

  • Long-term Drift 8 h (1, 2): < 150 μrad

  • Long-term Drift 8 h water tempering (1, 2): < 100 μrad

  • Position noise (RMS): < 10 μrad

Remark: 1. Drift per axis. 2. After 30 min warm-up, at constant ambient temperature and process stress. 3. After 30 min warm-up, under varying process loads, with water temperature control set for ≥ 2 l/min and 22˚C water temperature.

Input aperture (mm)7101215202030
Beam displacement (mm)9.012.414.018.55 / 18.05 (1)26.28 / 25.63 (1)26.28 / 25.63 (1)35.98 / 35.38 (1)
Weight (without objective) (kg)approx. 1.6approx. 3.3approx. 3.3approx. 3.3approx. 3.3approx. 5.9approx. 5.9
Dimension (L x W x H) (mm)135x97x 102.0170x125x 117.5170x125x 117.5170x125x 117.5170x125x 117.5203 x 159 x 150/160.5 (2)203x159x 150/160.5 (2)
Water temperature option
Air flushing option

Remark: 1. Specification for fused silica mirrors. 2. AXIALSCAN variation only, additional output plate for protection window

Mirror Variations






Remark: Standard: QU = Quartz (Fused Silica), SI = Silicon, High Speed: SC = Silicon carbide

Dynamic Data

Acceleration time (ms)
Writing speed (cps) ¹, ²900800650450500650
Processing speed (rad/s) ¹906050354050
Positioning speed (rad/s) ¹906050354050
Part numberLSRL-SS-IIE-20 / SS-IIE-20 LLSRL-SS-IIE-30
Acceleration time (ms)0.700.610.900.840.52
Writing speed (cps) ¹, ²350350---
Processing speed (rad/s) ¹3535253035
Positioning speed (rad/s) ¹3535253035

Remark: 1. With f-theta lens f = 160 mm / field size 110 mm x 110 mm. 2. Single-stroke font with 1 mm height.

5. SUPERSCAN IV Series Marking Heads (Scanners)

  • Control via SL2-100 protocol 20 bit or XY2-100 protocol 16 bit

  • Digital driver board (PWM) with significantly reduced power loss and minimal heat development

  • Dynamic responses and high speeds for maximum productivity

  • Several tunings and mirror coatings for diverse applications

  • Input aperture: 10, 15, 20 and 30mm


YOUR BENEFITS: The SUPERSCAN IV‘s model-based, digital control offers extremely dynamic responses and speeds, which really come into play in marking – and extreme fast, but precise structuring-, cutting- and drilling-applications. The robust, water-cooled master block design guarantees stable and low drift operation even with frequent beam direction change and high jump frequencies.

CONFIGURABLE THROUGH AND THROUGH: Lenses, protective glass, and mirror coatings are available for all standard laser types, wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths and processing areas. This allows to handle a wide range of tasks with best quality and optimized throughput. We would also be happy to help you put together the perfect configuration for your application.

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS:Demanding code-marking, cutting of FPC-structures as well as drilling of copper-foils are natural applications for the SUPERSCAN-IV. Speed and dynamic responses are guaranteed, thanks to digital control and powerful PWM output stages. When combined with our camera adapter and MVC components, the SUPERSCAN IV becomes the ideal precision tool with process monitoring.

INNOVATION AND QUALITY: Innovation and maintaining high product quality standards are our priorities. All our products are developed, built and tested in our own laboratories and production facilities. Through our world-wide support network we can offer best maintenance and rapid service for our customers.

General Specifications

  • Power supply: Voltage 30 V or 48 V; Current 2 A RMS, max. 5 A; Ripple/Noise Max. 200 mVpp@20 MHz bandwidth

  • Ambient temperature: +15°C to +35°C

  • Storage temperature: -10°C to +60°C

  • Humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing

  • IP Code: 64

  • Interface signals: Digital XY2-100-Enhanced protocol; Digital SL2-100 protocol

  • Typical deflection: ± 0.393 rad

  • Resolution: XY2-100-E 16-Bit 12 μrad; Resolution SL2-100 20-Bit 0.76 μrad

  • Repeatability (RMS): < 2.0 μrad

  • Position noise (RMS): < 4.5 μrad

  • Temperature Drift: Max. Gaindrift ¹ 15 ppm/K; Max. Offsetdrift ¹ 10 μrad/K

  • Long-term drift 8 h without water temperature control ¹ : < 60 μrad

  • Long-term drift 8 h with water temperature control ¹, ² : < 40 μrad

Remark: 1. Angles optical. Drift per axis, after 30 min warm-up, at constant ambient temperature and process stress. 2. After 30 min warm-up, under varying process loads, with water temperature control set for ≥ 2 l/min and 22˚C water temperature.

Specifications of LSRL-SS-IV Series

  • Part number: LSRL-SS-IV-10

  • Input aperture (mm): 10

  • Beam displacement (mm): 12.5 (SI)

  • Weight (without objective) (kg): approx. 3.2

  • Dimension (L x W x H) (mm): 170.0 x 125.0 x 117.5

  • Wavelength: 355, 532 and 1064nm, Silicon

  • Tuning: Vector tuning (VC) (Optimized tuning for a wide range of applications with emphasis on processing speed) and M-Tuning (M) (Optimized tuning for high precision beam deflection with sharp corners and minimized tracking error)

Part numberLSRL-SS-IV-10-SI
Processing speed (rad/s) ¹50 @ 30 V 80 @ 48 V30 @ 30 V 30 @ 48 V
Positioning speed (rad/s) ¹50 @ 30 V 80 @ 48 V30 @ 30 V 30 @ 48 V
Tracking error (ms)0.12 30.10 4
Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms) ²0.330.41

Remark: 1. See “Calculation of speed”. 2. Settling to 1/5,000 of full scale. 3. Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.9 x tracking error. 4. Calculation of acceleration time approx. 1.8x tracking error


The SUPERSCAN IV-10 deflection units provide water temperature control (W) for the electronic components and galvanometer scanners. This ensures constant working conditions and excellent long-term stability, thus guaranteeing reliable operation even in high power laser applications. The SUPERSCAN IV-10 deflection units can also be operated without temperature control (N). In consequence the drift values may increase.

Specifications of LSRL-SS-IV-15 Series

  • Part number: LSRL-SS-IV-15

  • Input aperture (mm): 15

  • Beam displacement (mm): 18.1 (QU, SI), 18.0 (SC)

  • Weight (without objective) (kg): approx. 3.2

  • Dimension (L x W x H) (mm): 170.0 x 125.0 x 117.5

  • Wavelength and substrate: 355 nm QU; 532 nm QU, SI; 1030 nm SC; 1064 nm QU, SI, SC; 1060nm–1080 nm (high power coating) QU; 10600 nm SI, SC (QU = quartz; SC = silicon carbide, SI = Silicon)

  • Tuning: Vector tuning (VC) (Optimized tuning for a wide range of applications with emphasis on processing speed), C-Tuning (C) (Optimized tuning for long vectors at highest speeds) and Hatching Tuning (H) (Optimized tuning for high precision beam deflection and fastest beam direction change during hatching)

Processing speed (rad/s) (1)45 @ 30 V; 50 @ 48 V-200 @ 48 V50 @ 30 V; 65 @ 48 V55 @ 30 V; 75 @ 48 V30 @ 30 V; 30 @ 48 V
Positioning speed (rad/s) (1)45 @ 30 V; 50 @ 48 V-200 @ 48 V50 @ 30 V; 65 @ 48 V55 @ 30 V; 75 @ 48 V30 @ 30 V; 30 @ 48 V
Tracking error (ms)0.19 (3)0.30 (4)0.16 (3)0.14 (3)0.12 (3)
Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms) (2)0.490.650.430.370.47

Remark: 1. See “Calculation of speed”. 2. Setting to 1/5,000 of full scale. 3. Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.9 x tracking error. 4. Calculation of acceleration time approx. 2.3 x tracking error

Specifications of LSRL-SS-IV-20 Series

  • Part number: LSRL-SS-IV-20 QU

  • Input aperture (mm): 20

  • Beam displacement (mm): 26.0

  • Weight (without objective) (kg): approx. 5.5

  • Dimension (L x W x H) (mm): 203.0 x 159.0 x 150.0 / 160.5 (1)

  • Wavelengths and substrate: 355 nm QU, SC; 532 nm QU, SC; 1,064 nm QU, SC

  • Vector tuning (VC): Optimized tuning for a wide range of applications mainly focused on processing speed, other tunings on request

Remark: 1. AXIALSCAN model, output plate for protection window.

Part numberLSRL-SS-IV-20-QULSRL-SS-IV-20-SC
Positioning speed (rad/s) ¹45 @ 30 V 55 @ 48 V50 @ 30 V 75 @48 V
Tracking error (ms) 20.30.22
Step response time at 1% of full scale (ms) 30.70.5

Remark: 1. See “Calculation of speed”. 2. Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.7 x tracking error. 3. Settling to 1/5,000 of full scale.

6. SUPERSCAN V Series Marking Heads (Scanners) for Challenging Industrial Applications

  • Positioning of the laser with 20 bit resolution with the SL2-100 protocol

  • Minimal drift and extremely low noise thanks to digital encoder technology

  • Extreme acceleration and precise laser guidance for sharp corners and edges

  • Recording and diagnosis of all properties

  • Input aperture: 15 and 30mm


General Specifications

  • Power supply: Voltage 30 V or 48 V; Current 2 A RMS, Max. 5 A; Ripple/Noise Max. 200 mVpp@ 20 MHz bandwidth

  • Ambient temperature: +15 °C to +35 °C

  • Humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing

  • IP-Code: 65

  • Interface signals: Digital XY2-100-Enhanced protocol Digital SL2-100 protocol

  • Typical deflection: ± 0.393 rad

  • Resolution: XY2-100-E 16-Bit 12 μrad

  • Resolution: SL2-100 20-Bit 0.76 μrad

  • Repeatability (RMS): < 0.4 μrad

  • Position noise (RMS): < 2.0 μrad

  • Temperature drift: Max. Gaindrift ¹ 8 ppm/K; Max. Offsetdrift ¹ 15 μrad/K

  • Long-term drift 8 h without water tempering ¹: < 50 μrad

  • Long-term drift 8 h with water tempering ¹, ²: < 30 μrad

  • Mirrors & Lenses: Scan mirrors and objectives with optimized mounts are available for all typical laser types, wavelengths, power densities, focal lengths and working fields. Customer specific configurations are also possible.

  • Options: The SUPERSCAN V deflection unit provides two types of water temperature control (W) for the electronic components and galvanometer scanners, straight (W) connectors and 90° (W2). This ensures constant working conditions and excellent long-term stability.

Specifications of LSRL-SS-V-15

  • Input aperture (mm): 15

  • Beam displacement (mm): 18.27 (SC), 18.33 (QU)

  • Weight (without objective) (kg): approx. 3.2

  • Dimension (L x W x H) (mm): 170.0 x 125.0 x 117.5

  • Wavelengths and substrates: 355 nm SC, QU; 405 nm QU; 532 nm SC, QU; 1,064 nm SC, QU; 10600 nm SC; AG SC

  • Micro-structuring tuning: Optimized for high precision beam deflection with sharp corners and minimized tracking error

Deflection unitLSRL-SS-V-15-QULSRL-SS-V-15-SC
Mirror typeQUSC
Writing speed (cps) ¹600800
Processing speed (rad/s) ²3030
Positioning speed (rad/s) ²3030
Tracking error (ms) ³0.180.14
Step response time 1 % of full scale (ms) 40.550.45

Remark: 1. With F-Theta lens f = 163 mm / field size 120 mm x 120 mm, Single-stroke font with 1 mm height. 2. See “Calculation speed”. 3. Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.7 × tracking error. 4. Setting to 1/5,000 of full scale.

Specifications of LSRL-SS-V-30

  • Input aperture (mm): 30

  • Beam displacement (mm): 35.7

  • Weight (without objective) (kg): approx. 5.5

  • Dimension (L x W x H) (mm): 203.0 x 159.0 x 150.0

  • Wavelengths and substrates: 1064 nm SC; 10600 nm SC

  • Microstructuring tuning: Optimized tuning for high precision beam deflection with sharp corners and minimized tracking error.

Specifications of deflection unit LSRL-SS-V-30-SC

  • Mirror type: SC

  • Tuning Microstructuring

  • Processing speed (rad/s) ¹: 25 @ 30 V; 30 @ 48 V

  • Positioning speed (rad/s) ¹: 25 @ 30 V; 30 @ 48 V

  • Tracking error (ms) ²: 0.25

  • Step response time 1 % of full scale (ms) ³: 0.66

Remark: 1. See “Calculation of speed”. 2. Calculation acceleration time approx. 1.7 × tracking error. 3. Setting to 1/5,000 of full scale.

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