Pico-second Lasers

Pico-second Lasers

Keywords: Pico-second Laser,Pico-second Fiber Laser, ps laser
Nov 04, 2020 View: 5404 Data Sheet

Highly reliable self-designed seed laser results longer lifetime and higher reliability compare to traditional passively mode-locked technique which makes it ideal source for micro-machining.

PSM Series Picosecond Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

Our picosecond passively Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers (MLFL) are designed to address a range of market applications including semi-conductor inspection, micro-machining, metrology, multi-photon spectroscopy, and can be used as a seed source for optical amplifiers, and second harmonic generation.

Based on an all-fiber design, our laser is highly reliable (10,000 hrs) and maintenance-free.

pico-second laserFeatures

  • Self-starting
  • Low amplitude noise
  • Spectrally transform-limited pulse widths without CW light content
  • Linearly-polarized, environmentally-stable output
  • Compact
  • Low power consumption


  • Biomedical and Chemistry (multi-photon microscopy, ultra-fast spectroscopy)
  • Micro-Machining (semiconductor wafer and transparent materials processing)
  • Tera-Hertz Generation (material defect imaging, security)
  • Time Response Characterization
  • High-Speed Optical Sampling
  • Metrology

Specification Overview
Our picosecond Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers are available with customized specifications within the following range:

  • Emission Wavelength: 1020 to 1100nm
  • Pulse Duration: 2 to 50 ps
  • Average Output Power
  • - Seed Only: 2 - 20mW
  • - with Preamplifier: 150 mW
  • - with Booster: 3000mW
  • Repetition Rate: 30 to 100MHz
  • Polarization: Linear

PSZ Series Diode-pumped High-frequency Pico-second Lasers

pico laserThe diode pumped pico-second lasers is a laser with pulse width<15ps, pulse repetition rate 10-100kHz, beam quality factor M2 <1.2. The laser is the first choice for sapphire cutting , LED etching, remote rangefinding, physics & chemistry, material science, photonics.


  • Electrically-controlled laser wavelength conversion
  • Adjustable high-frequency
  • Multi-stage amplifiers


Model PSZ-1064-10, PSZ-532-6 PSZ-1064-30, PSZ-532-18
Wavelength 1064nm/532nm (electrically switching) 1064nm/532nm (electrically switching
Average power 10W@1064nm; 6W@532nm 30W@1064nm; 18W@532nm
Pulse repetition rate 10-100kHz 10-100kHz
Power stability <0.5% <0.5%
Pulse width <15ps <15ps
Polarization Horizontal Horizontal
Beam quality M2 <1.2 <1.2
Beam mode TEM00 TEM00
Cooling Water Water
Pumping Diode pumping Diode pumping
Dimension (laser head) 1158x352x212mm 1358x452x212mm

pico laser pico laser

Model PSZ-1064-2, PSZ-532-1
Wavelength 1064nm/532nm (2 exits, electrically switching)
Pulse energy ³2mJ@1064nm; ³1mJ@532nm
Power stability <3%
Pulse repetition rate 2kHz
Pulse width <15ps
Polarization Horizontal
Beam divergence <0.5mrad
Beam diameter <2mm
Beam mode TEM00
Cooling Water
Pumping Diode pumping
Power input 220VAC/25A/50Hz
Dimension (laser head) 481x314x125mm
Weight (laser head) <15kg

The above lasers are typical lasers and please contact us to discuss your requirements if you have any specific demands. We can customize the lasers according to your needs.

STC Series Mode-locked & Picosecond Laser Series

Superior beam quality, best reliability, mode-locked & picosecond pulsed laser, pulsed duration could be less than 20ps. Housed in compact packages, are the perfect choice for design in and integration into OEM instrumentation and systems and also for end user applications in research and development.

pico-second laser


  • Raman spectroscopy;
  • Marking, Carving;
  • Material processing;
  • Astronomy;
  • Scientific research;
  • Optical instrument

Mode-locked Type:

Output power
Pulse duration
Rep. rate
Operating mode Transverse mode
STC-PS-R-266 266 1-50 <20 48±1 Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-R-355 355 1-2000 <20 48±1 Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-R-532 532 1-3000 <20 48±1 Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-HR-532 532 1-2 W ~15@500kHz&2 W 100-1000kHz Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-RL-1064 1064 1-1000 ~15 @10 kHz&1 W 1-10kHz Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-HR-1064 1064 1-10 W ~15@500kHz&10W 100-1000kHz Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-R-1064 1064 1-10 W <20 48±1 Mode-locked TEM00
STC-PS-Seed-1064 1064 1-300 <20 80±1 Mode-locked TEM00
STC-Macro/ Micro-1064-P 1064 10 W Macro 160 μs Micro~100MHz Mode-locked TEM00
STC-Macro/ Micro-1319-P 1319 7 W Macro 160 μs Micro~100MHz Mode-locked TEM00

Fiber Laser Type:

Output power
Pulse duration
Rep. rate
Operating mode Transverse mode
STC-FL-266-PS 266 1-10 <10 20-80 (Fixed) Mode-locked TEM00
STC-FL-355-PS 355 1-50 <10 20-80 (Fixed) Mode-locked TEM00
STC-FL-532-PS 532 1-150 <10 20-80 (Fixed) Mode-locked TEM00
STC-FL-1064-PS 1064 1-2000 <10 20-80 (Fixed) Mode-locked TEM00
STC-FL-266-Pico 266 1-50 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-343-Pico 343 1-50 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-355-Pico 355 1-50 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-515-Pico 515 1-1000 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-532-Pico 532 1-1000 100-900 0.1-80 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-535-Pico 535 1-1000 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-1030-Pico 1030 10-5000 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-1064-Pico 1064 10-5000 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00
STC-FL-1070-Pico 1070 10-5000 100-900 0.1-20 (variable) Pulsed TEM00

Diode Pumped Laser Type:

Output power
Pulse duration
Rep. rate
Operating mode Transverse mode
STC-DPS-213-Pico 213 1-30 <50 ps 5 Pulsed TEM00
STC-DPS-266-Pico 266 100-500 <50 ps 5 Pulsed TEM00
STC-DPS-355-Pico 355 100-700 <50 ps 5 Pulsed TEM00
STC-DPS-355-PS 355 1-6W <15ps <1MHz Pulsed, mode locked M2<1.5
STC-DPS-532-Pico 532 2-10 W <50 ps 0.1-10 MHz Pulsed TEM00
STC-DPS-1064-Pico 1064 5-30 W <50 ps 0.1-10 MHz Pulsed TEM00

ps laserPicosecond Pulsed Diode Laser

Picosecond pulsed diode laser features with integrated electronics, narrow pulse duration, high repetition frequency and easy operation. It is widely used in fluorescence excitation, time resolve spectrum, high sensitive absorption spectroscopy, etc.

Model Output power Rep. rate (MHz) Pulse duration (ps)
STC-MDL-PS-405 10 μW~0.5 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-450 10 μW~0.5 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-640 50 μW~3.5 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-655 20 μW~1.5 mW 0.1~20 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-785 70 μW~4.2 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-808 90 μW~6.0 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-852 10 μW~1.0 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-940 20 μW~1.5 mW 0.1~80 100-1000
STC-MDL-PS-980 20 μW~1.5 mW 0.1~80 100-1000

PSH Series Pico-second Lasers (1064nm & 532nm)

1. PSH Series Pico-second 1064nm Lasers

Our PSH series picosecond ultra-fast lasers are robust and affordable. They produce high energy pulses with durations below 10ps. The laser is based on a hybrid optical amplifier architecture that combines the advantages of fiber laser technology with solid state diode pumped multi-pass amplifiers. Compact and water-cooled, this laser is low maintenance and never needs realignment. Special specification can be customized, Our laser is ideal for fast, high precision material processing at an affordable price.

pico-second lasers

  • <10 picosecond pulses
  • Long term power stability<3%rms
  • High beam quality with M2≤1.3
  • Serial Interface

These lasers are widely used in micro-machining, ceramic processing, glass cutting, medical plastic processing, sapphire processing, steel processing, laser deposition, thin film patterning, hard materials machining and so on.

Part Number PSH-1064-20 PSH-1064-30A PSH-1064-30B PSH-1064-50
Wavelength 1064nm 1064nm 1064nm 1064nm
Output Power >20W@500kHz >30W@500kHz >17.5W@50kHz (3 pulses) >50W@500kHz
Max. Pulse Energy >100uJ@100kHz >100uJ@200kHz >350uJ@50kHz (3 pulses) >300uJ@100kHz
Repetition Rates 100kHz-1MHz 200kHz-1MHz 50kHz-100kHz 100kHz-1MHz
Pulse Width <10ps <10ps <10ps <10ps
Power Stability ≤1% rms ≤1% rms ≤1% rms ≤3% rms
Peak-to-peak Stability ≤2%rms ≤2%rms ≤2% rms ≤2%rms
Spatial Mode TEM00 (M2£1.3) TEM00 (M2£1.3) TEM00 (M2£1.3) TEM00 (M2£1.3)
Beam Diameter ≤2.4mm±0.2mm ≤2.4mm±0.2mm ≤2.4mm±0.2mm ≤3mm±0.5mm
Beam Divergence ≤1.5mrad ≤1.5mrad ≤1.5mrad ≤3mrad
Beam Roundness ≥90% ≥90% ≥90% ≥90%
Polarization Ratio Horizontal, >100:1 Vertical, >100:1 Vertical >100:1 Horizontal, >100:1
Warm-up Time <30min <30min <30min <30min
Ambient Temperature 150-35℃ 150-35℃ 15-35℃ 10-35℃
Humidity <65% <65% <65% <65%
Cooling Water Water Water Water
Voltage 100-240VAC,50/60Hz 100-240VAC,50/60Hz 100-240VAC,50/60Hz 100-240VAC,50/60Hz
Power Consumption 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W
Classification Class 4 Class 4 Class 4 Class 4
Laser Head Size 745x306x186 mm3 856×466×186mm3 856×466×186mm3 840×466×186mm3
Power Supply Model P-1200B0 P-1200B0 P-1200B0 P-1200B0
Power Supply Size 484×412×88mm3 484×412×88mm3 484×412×88mm3 484×412×88 mm3

2. PSH Series Pico-second 532nm & 355nm Lasers

Part Number PSH-355-10 PSH-532-15 PSH-532-30
Wavelength 355nm 532nm 532nm
Output Power >10W@1MHz >15W@500kHz >30W@1MHz
Max. Pulse Energy >10uJ@1MHz >30uJ@500kHz >30uJ@1MHz
Repetition Rates 400kHz-1MHz 400kHz-1MHz 1MHz-2MHz
Pulse Width <10ps <10ps <10ps
Power Stability ≤1% rms ≤1% rms ≤3% rms
Peak-to-peak Stability ≤2% rms ≤2%rms ≤2%rms
Spatial Mode TEM00 (M2£1.3) TEM00 (M2£1.3) TEM00 (M2£1.3)
Beam Diameter ≤1.5mm±0.2mm ≤1.5mm±0.2mm ≤1.5mm±0.5mm
Beam Divergence ≤2mrad ≤2mrad ≤3mrad
Beam Roundness ≥85% ≥85% ≥85%
Polarization Ratio Horizontal >100:1 Horizontal, >100:1 Horizontal, >100:1
Warm-up Time <30min <30min <30min
Ambient Temperature 15-35℃ 150-35℃ 10-35℃
Humidity <65% <65% <65%
Cooling Water Water Water
Voltage 100-240VAC,50/60Hz 100-240VAC,50/60Hz 100-240VAC,50/60Hz
Power Consumption 1200W 1200W 1200W
Classification Class 4 Class 4 Class 4
Laser Head Size 1016×466×195 mm3 1016×466×186 mm3 1000×466×186 mm3
Power Supply Model P-1200B0 P-1200B0 P-1200B0
Power Supply Size 484×412×88mm3 484×412×88mm3 484×412×88 mm3

PSY Series Pico-second Fiber Lasers (1064nm, 1030nm, 515nm, 343nm)

1. PSY Series Pico-second 1030nm Fiber Lasers

Our PSY series pico-second 1030nm fiber lasers have a tunable pulse duration from 50 ps to 800ps, repetition rates from 25 kHz up to 5 MHz and over 100W average power. The short pulse duration, high repetition rates combined with over 1MW peak power open up a variety of micromachining applications such as PERC solar cell dicing, glass drilling, sapphire drilling, Li-Ion battery foil cutting, resistor trimming and marking of transparent material. The laser is completely controlled via an industry standard digital interface with optional DB25 or RS-232.

pico-second fiber laser


  • Average Power 100W
  • Pulse Duration 50-800ps
  • Peak Power 1MW
  • Repetition Rate 25kHz-5MHz
  • Pulse Energy 300uJ@800ps
  • M²<1.3
  • Burst Mode Function


  • PERC Solar Cell Dicing
  • Lion Ion Battery Foil Cutting
  • Glass Drilling
  • Silicon or SiC Dicing
  • Metal Marking
  • Chrome Vanadium Texturing
  • Micromaching of Transparent materials
Model PSY-1030-20 PSY-1030-50 PSY-1030-70
Wavelength 1030+/-5nm 1030+/-5nm 1030+/-5nm
Laser power 20W 50W 75W
Repetition rate 30 - 1000kHz 25kHz - 5MHz 25kHz - 5MHz
Power stability <2% <2% <2%
Pulse energy 100µJ@2ns, 30µJ@200ps 25µJ@50ps, 180µJ@800ps >50µJ@50ps, 350µJ@800ps
Peak power 150kW >500kW >1MW
Pulse width 200ps - 2ns 50, 300, 800ps 50, 300, 800ps
Beam quality M2<1.3 M2<1.3 M2<1.3
Beam diameter 5mm 2mm 5mm
Beam perpergence <2mrad <2mrad <2mrad
Polarization Linear Linear Linear
Sync output SMA SMA SMA
Power supply AC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, >960W 24VDC/8A AC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, >960W
Dimensions (L*W*H) 400*336*138mm 767*560*230mm 1200*410*141mm
Control RS232 or DB25 RS232 or DB25 RS232 or DB25

2. PSY Series Pico-second 515nm & 343nnm Fiber Lasers

The PSY series green and UV lasers have the features of short pulse duration, high repetition rates and high peak power, which results in a variety of micromachining applications such as PERC solar cell dicing & stripping, FPC/PCB cutting, glass drilling, sapphire drilling, silicone ablating, Li-Ion battery foil cutting, resistor trimming and marking of transparent material. The laser is completely controlled via an industry standard digital interface with optional DB25 or RS-232.

Part Number PSY-343-15





Wavelength 343nm 515nm
Average Power 15W/10W 50W/40W/30W
Repetition Rate 300kHz-1.2MHz 300kHz-2.5MHz
Power Stability <2% <2%
Pulse Energy 30μJ/20μJ 40μJ/32μJ/24μJ
Peak Power 40kW/25kW 50kW/40kW/30kW
Pulse Duration 800ps 800ps
Beam Quality M2<1.3 M2<1.3
Beam Diameter ~2mm ~2mm
Beam Divergence <2mrad <2mrad
Beam Polarization Linear Polarized(S) Linear Polarized(S)
Sync Output SMA TTL pulse SMA TTL pulse
Control RS232 or DB25 RS232 or DB25
Power Requirements AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz >960W AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz 960W
Dimensions (L*W*H) 540mm*320mm*127mm 540mm*320mm*127mm

3. PSY Series Picosecond 1064nm Fiber Lasers

Our PSY-1064-15 has a continuously tunable pulse duration from 100 ps to 4ns and repetition rates from 100 kHz up to 5MHz. The short pulse duration, high repetition rates combined with over 50kW peak power give high speed, permanent black/color marking on a variety of metals, thin film coating and thermal sensitive materials. The single mode beam quality picosecond pulses with over 50kW peak power open up a variety of micromachining applications such as Li-Ion battery foil cutting, resistor trimming and marking of transparent material. The laser is completely controlled via an industry standard digital interface with optional DB25 or RS-232.

pico-second laserFeatures

  • Average Power >15W
  • Pulse Duration 100ps-4ns
  • Peak Power 50kW
  • Repetition Rate 100kHz-5MHz
  • Pulse Energy >150μJ@4ns or >30μJ@600ps
  • M2<1.3
  • Burst Mode Function


  • Black Marking
  • Lion Ion Battery Foil Cutting
  • Thin Film Solar Cell Scribing
  • Silicon or SiC Dicing
  • Resister Trimming
  • Chrome Vanadium Texturing
  • Micromaching of Transparent materials


Part number PSY-1064-15
Wavelength 1064nm
Average Power >15W
Repetition Rate 100kHz-5MHz
Power Stability <2%
Pulse Energy >30μJ@600ps or >150μJ@4ns
Peak Power 50kW
Pulse Duration 600ps-4ns
Switch On/Off Time <5μs
Beam Quality M2<1.3
Beam Diameter 7mm
Beam Divergence <1mrad
Output Polarization Random
Trigger SMA
Supply Power/Current AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz Rated output>960W
Dimensions 300mm*270mm*70mm
Control RS232 or DB25

STLQ Series Picosecond DPSS Lasers

We present a new family of high-power DPSS lasers generating laser pulses of 10ps duration – the STLQ-100-PX series. High peak and average power as well as excellent long term radiation stability of these lasers make them an ideal tool for a wide variety of applications, from life sciences to materials processing.

The STLQ-100-PX is a solid-state ultrafast laser designed especially for scientific researches. The STLQ-100-PX model is based on Nd:YVO4 crystal pumped by a laser diode module. Generation of picoseconds pulses is provided by SESAM. Once started mode-locking remains stable over a long period of time and is immune to minor mechanical impact. The STLQ-100-PX oscillators do not use a chiller. To provide temperature stabilization of laser head components we using a special ultra-compact cooling system.


  • Turn-key operation
  • Output power not less than 6000mW
  • Compact and rugged design
  • Low maintenance
  • Not required chiller
  • Build-in power monitor
  • Hermetically sealed laser head
  • Cost effective


  • Time resolved spectroscopy
  • Nonlinear spectroscopy
  • OPO pumping
  • Remote laser sensing
  • Laser cutting/ablation
  • LIDAR and ranging
Model STLQ-100-PX
Wavelength, nm 1064
Output power, W ≥ 6.0
Power Stability, better than, % ± 0,5
Pulse repetition rate, MHz 80 ± 5
Pulse width, ps 28 ± 3
Pulse energy, nJ ≥70
Beam quality TEM00; M2 < 1.5
Beam diameter, mm 1 ± 0.1
Cooling Water to air
Chiller Not required
Electrical service 100…240V, 50/60Hz, ≤600W
Dimensions, mm
Laser Head (LxWxH) 384 х 183 х 124
Power Supply (HxWxD) 410 x 420 x 170
Environment requirements
Room temperature 15-27 ºС (air conditioning recommended)
Relative humidity ≤60% (non condensing)

Picosecond Laser STLQ-100-PX Linewidth

Picosecond laser STLQ-100-PX beam profile and M2

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