RF-excited CO2 Laser

RF-excited CO2 Laser

Keywords: CO2 laser, RF-excited, gas laser
Aug 21, 2021 View: 6990 Data Sheet

These RF-excited CO2 lasers are professionally made and are widely used in the processing of non-metals such as plastic organic materials BBS etc. CO2 laser tube is based on our proven ceramic core technology.

STD Series Economic RF-excited CO2 Lasers

CO2 laser

We are a reliable company for expert advice and good service in the field of CO2 laser beam source. Superior beam quality, favourable price, long product lifetime, efficient technical support are the main strengths of our products and service.

For Medical treatment applications

  • CO2 fractional laser scare removal skin resurfacing device

  • CO2 laser therapy

  • RF stretch marks removal CO2 fractional laser machine

  • RF tube laser generator vaginal tightening laser

  • Cosmetology surgery apparatus

For CO2 laser marking/engraving machine applications

  • Achieve high speed static or dynamic online marking code

  • Mark/engrave clearly

  • Hard-wearing quality

  • High engraving and marking efficiency

  • Environmentally-friendly

For CO2 laser cutting machine applications

  • High and stable power

  • Cutting better than fiber laser for non-metal

  • The speed of cutting is faster

  • Cutting leather, wood, plastics etc

Competitive Advantages of our lasers:

  • 3-5 years long lifetime, stable machine and mode quality

  • All metal body and very firm

  • Small size and easy to carry

  • Quick response time for services

Wavelength9.3 / 10.2 / 10.6μm9.3 / 10.6μm
CW Output Power≥30W≥55W
Power Stability<±5%<±5%
Beam Size1.8±0.2㎜1.8±0.2㎜
Beam Divergence7.5±0.5 mrad7.5±0.5 mrad
Mode QualityM²<1.2M²<1.2
Polarization>100:1 linear>100:1 linear
Weight of Laser System5.2kg10kg
Input voltage48 VDC <±2%48 VDC <±2%
Input DC current≤12A≤20A
Ambient Air Temperature5℃ to 40℃5℃ to 40℃
CoolingAir or waterAir or water
  • Laser power is tested at the room temperature 25degree. When the temperature rises 1℃, the output power will reduce 1%.

  • Definition of stabilization: ±(Pmax-Pmin)/(2Pmax)

  • Testing condition of stabilization: warming up about 10mins, controlling duty cycle constantly, under the normal operating environment.

Ordering Information

STD-xxx-yyz, where xxx means laser wavelength in um (9.3 or 10.6), yy means laser power in watt, and z means cooling in A for air cooling or W for water cooling.

Electrical Connector (RJ-45):

1 (PWM Orange and white)RF Enable
TTL logic input
1=RF ON,0=RF OFF;1KΩ impedance.
This input turns on the laser. (See also Pin 7, Control Enable, below)
2 (+15V Orange)+15 VDC±0.5VDC,0.25 A Max output for customer use
3 (Laser Green and white)Laser ok
TTL logic output,1=LASER OK,0=LASER Fault;
Output is asserted when no faults (SWR, Temp or Volt.)are detected
4 (Temp Blue)Temperature OK
TTL logical output,1=Temp ok,0=Temp fault;
Output is asserted when temperature is below 60℃
5 (Volt Blue and white)Power and voltage OK
TTL logical output;1= voltage ok,0=voltage fault;
Output is asserted when DC supply voltage is below max. value
6 (GND Green)For internal use. must be grounded
7 (Enable Brown and white)Control enables
TTL Logical input;1= Laser control enable,0= Laser controlled disabled
This input must be asserted before RF enable can be used to turn on the laser.
8 (GND Brown)GND

STJ Series Economic RF-excited CO2 Lasers

CO2 lasers CO2 lasers

Laser power≥28W≥33W≥40W≥65W
Power stability±5%±5%±5%±5%
Beam modeTEM00TEM00TEM00TEM00
Beam diameter2.0-2.2mm2.0-2.2mm2.0-2.2mm2.5-3.0mm
Beam divergence4mrad4mrad4mrad4mrad
Polorization50:1, vertical50:1, vertical50:1, vertical50:1, vertical
Modulation frequency0-20 kHz0-20 kHz0-20 kHz0-20 kHz
DC power input48VDC/12.5A/600W48VDC/12.5A/600W48VDC/12.5A/600W48VDC/31A/1500W
Dimension, mm360×93×140360×93×140360×93×140537×93×140

ULR Series RF-excited CO2 10-150W Lasers

The ULR series of CO2 lasers for OEM use are based on a sealed, RF pumped, slab design that produces a high-quality beam. These lasers can be operated in CW mode or modulated to control average power. Modulation is accomplished by varying the pulse width of the input signal.

In the 10 W to 150 W lasers, RF electrodes are spaced apart to allow the laser beam to form without influence of the electrodes, delivery excellent near- and far-field quality with minimal wave-guide effects. The folded resonator design allows generation of power in a compact package. Our lasers require no consumables and deliver a very long lifetime.


When you purchase an OEM laser you are not only buying a laser source, but a partnership. That partnership means you receive direct access to world-wide technical support and the shortest service turnaround times, access to the most advanced Applications Laboratory and the most robust and reliable lasers on the market for as long as you own and use the product.

  • Space Saving and Easily Integrated: The patented multi-pass, slab resonator design is the foundation of our robust and highly reliable laser sources. Our integrated air-cooled and internally RF-stimulated lasers eliminate the need for additional space and cost for chillers, and external power sources. Integrating the aser sources into your production or research process is as easy plugging it in.

  • Broad Product Line of Air-cooled Options: We manufacture single resonator air-cooled lasers in power ranging from 10-75 and 250 watts and dual resonator lasers at the 100, 120, 150watt range.

  • Unbeatable New Order Delivery Lead Time: 10 Business days for a new OEM single resonator ULR 10W to 75 W lasers.13 Business days for a new OEM ULR dual resonator, and laser sources over 100 W.

  • Reliability: Average field life between reconditioning in excess of 6.5 years.

  • Shortest Service Turn Around Time on the Market: As the laser manufacturer, we deliver the shortest service time on the market. We recondition and return your laser in 16 Business days.

  • State-of-the-Art Materials Application Laboratory: Our material scientists and applications engineers work with our customers to understand their unique materials processing requirements. Years of industry experience is put to work in developing a customized laser processing solution. Processed materials samples and a report describing laser configuration and processing recommendations are provided.

  • 90-Day Risk Free Laser Evaluation Program: To assure your complete satisfaction, we offer a risk free laser evaluation program. Examine our innovative, space-saving, air-cooled CO2 Lasers in your application with no risk for 90-days.


Two cooling options are available:

  • Integrated Air: ULR lasers configured for integrated air cooling contain fans and heat sinks designed to allow the laser to operate efficiently with no external cooling.

  • Basic Air: ULR lasers configured for basic air cooling do not include fans. The integrator is responsible for ensuring adequate cooling, per ULS specifications.


  • 10.6µ and 9.3µ configurations available

  • TTL-compatible Over-temperature warning and laser status features

  • Thermal cutoff protection

  • Low-profile mounting plate

  • RoHS compliant

  • RS485 communication

  • 48V DC Input Voltage

Laser powerBasic airIntegrated air9.3um
Rated power**10W25W or 30W40W50W or 60W75W
Power stability±10%±5%±5%±5%±10%
Beam size(near field)4±1mm4±1mm4±1mm4±1mm4±1mm
Beam pergence(full angle)5±1mrad5±1mrad5±1mrad5±1mrad5±1mrad
Pointing stability200μrad200μrad200μrad200μrad200μrad
Rise time120±40μS120±40μS120±40μS120±40μS120±40μS
Duty cycle0-100%0-100%0-100%0-100%0-100%
Modulation signal typeTTTTLTTLTTLTTL
Weight (Basic AC)3.3kg8.1kg9.5kg10.9kg
Weight (Basic WC)3.3kg9.0kg10.4kg11.8kg
Weight (Integrated AC)3.9kg9.0kg10.4kg11.8kg14kg
Weight (integrated WC)3.9kg9.0kg10.4kg11.8kg14kg
Ambient temperature***10-35oC10-35oC10-35oC10-35oC10-35oC
Relative humidity<90%<90%<90%<90%<90%
DC input voltage48VDC48VDC48VDC48VDC48VDC
RMS current (CW)4A10A14A18A20A
Rated power**100W120W150W
Power stability±5%±5%±5%
Beam size(near field)8±1mm4±1mm4±1mm
Beam pergence(full angle)5±1mrad5±1mrad5±1mrad
PolarizationCross polarizedCross polarizedCross polarized
Pointing stability200μrad200μrad200μrad
Rise time120±40μS120±40μS120±40μS
Duty cycle0-100%0-100%0-100%
Modulation signal typeTTLTTLTTL
Weight (Integrated AC)36.7kg36.7kg43.0kg
Weight (integrated WC)36.7kg36.7kg43.0kg
Ambient temperature***10-35oC10-35oC10-35oC
Relative humidity<90%<90%<90%
DC input voltage48VDC48VDC48VDC
RMS current (CW)36A36A40A

Main Difference between UL Series and ULR Series Lasers

The bottom and connector are swallow-tailed and 12PIN respectively but the bottom and connector are flat and 15PIN respectively. There is no difference on performance.

For used Universal lasers, we provide fully-refurbishing services at very low prices. The refurbishing includes replacing optics, RF power supply and refilling gas. All the jobs will be finished within 7 days.

Beam Output Configuration:

With the 90 degree output the beam goes through the base plate. We cut a hole in the bottom and mount it to the face of the laser, turn it 90 degree down through the hole. We can not offer it in any other direction but through the bottom of the base plate. To offer this option on OEM lasers the beam output number is (#3) for 90 degree without pointer, (#4) for the 90 degree with pointer. This option is not offered on 10W Integrated air cooled due to the small base plate and no room to mount the out put.

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